All tagged Shutdown


I see that you have taken up writing letters. Did you get help writing yesterday's letter to NDP about canceling her trip? Lindsey Graham called the letters between the two of you, "sophomoric," but I think they're brilliant. […]

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You probably started feeling better as soon as you got up this morning and started thinking about buying fancy missiles to put in space. Since those Pentagon folks may not want those missiles, you are probably experiencing some uncertainty about whether you will be able to procure them which further enhances your dopamine rush. I don't think we need any more military hardware and I hope the Pentagon group agrees with me […]



I'm also sorry to hear that no one is moving on the shutdown. I feel sorry for those folks who are being asked to come back to work without a paycheck. I am most concerned about the TSA agents who don't make much in the first place so can't save money for this kind of thing.



What did those Tigers think of the fast food spread that you offered them last night? Since they are growing college boys they were probably not too mad that they missed out on the gourmet fare usually provided at the WH.

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You'll be happy to hear that at 5:15 AM this morning the TSA line at SMF was ok. My ELD got through it with ease and had plenty of time to get to her gate. According to her text, boarding at the gate was a "nightmare" but that's often the case even when the government is not shut down. […]



I need your advice about when to leave for the airport tomorrow morning. My ELD (ever loving daughter) has a plane back to the mid-west at 6:30 AM. While the 300 TSA employees at SMF did get a $500 bonus and a couple of days pay, they did not get their full paychecks on Friday, so I wouldn't be surprised if some of them call in sick. […]

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You are off to McAllen, TX, today. I've never been to the City of Palms, have you? You picked the right time of year to visit. It's going to be a balmy 70-degree today. The editors of the McAllen Monitor welcome you to talk to ALL of the people affected by the Wall so you can get a better appreciation of the complexity of the issue. I think that's a great idea! […]



My dear Friend and President, DJT,

 It's wet here! We got an inch of rain yesterday. Yeah!

Please help me understand why you went to Camp David for about 4 hours yesterday. […]



My dear Friend and President, DJT,

I am having a contest with myself to see if I can compose a letter in 10 minutes. I just finished leisurely researching what you are up to today and did some background reading on Ja'Ron Smith. […]


My dear Friend and President, DJT,

How is it going? Are Melania and Barron back in DC? My 21-year-old daughter will be going back to college soon. […]


 My dear Friend and President, DJT,

What was your reaction to your cabinet meeting yesterday? The NYT said it was "free-wheeling and fact free." […]


My dear Friend and President, DJT,

Do you think I am afflicted with the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" you tweeted about today? Do you think Mitt Romney has it? Did you know "derangement" is a math word? […]


My dear Friend and President, DJT,

Happy New Year! Another opportunity for a fresh start. I hope you can spread some optimism today!

Did you watch the Rose Bowl Parade? […]