

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Have you heard of the Presidential Prayer Team, a nonpartisan website for “prayer ministry” founded in 2001? I just found it. The gov of NJ is today’s prayer recipient. CA Sen Butler received prayers last week.

            Speaking of prayer, Utah Gov Spencer Cox’s prayer for your success at the WH Gov dinner was quite generous. What do you think of the National Governor Association’s “Disagree Better” Initiative? I’m going to borrow their slogan, “disagreeing better, not disagreeing less” for Washington Commons. I am going to try to popularize the idea of practicing disagreeing on some easy stuff, so when we get to the hard stuff we are prepared.

            I am thinking about prayer this AM because today Yangon Friends Zoom meeting included a young man living in a Rohingya refugee camp near Cox’s Bazaar. He is working on his English & has mastered the sentence, “We do not have higher education.” He repeated it several times. He also explained that the situation is so bad in the camp, that people risk their lives to leave & some die at sea. Many who remain get caught up in gambling & drugs because there’s nothing to do as they wait for justice. In the meantime, his religion brings him some comfort. He noted, “it is everything for me. I feel happy when I pray.”

            Do you feel happy when you pray? What do you pray about?

            I don’t use the word “pray” for my worship. Instead of requesting things from God, I open myself up so I can hear the still small voice within. I also hold people in the Light & will hold you, Bibi, the people of Gaza, Israel & Burma in the Light at Meeting for Worship today.

            I will also hold in the Light the 5th grade girls in Mr G’s room who bullied a classmate at recess.

            Let’s also hold 45 in the Light & hope that he learns to disagree better.




