

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            My Davis Friends are afraid of the tax laws. This fear is preventing us from hosting young folk who want to agitate for peace. Any suggestions?

            Did you see the headlines today about you & Jill prompted by Katie Rogers new book? The G’s was “Joe Biden said ‘good sex’ is key to long lasting marriage, book on US first ladies claims.” Maureen Dowd opined about that topic a few days ago in her NYT piece, “Sex & the Capital City” noting that your “uxorious relationship with (your) wife has sealed her role as (your) top navigator as (you) chart your re-election course as the oldest president in American history… Some — including Jill — might find the 81-year-old Golden President’s frisky comments about the first lady cringey.” Yes – we do find that kind of banter offensive. Best to avoid it!       

            Another reminder, your sex life is a personal matter. Bragging about your intimacies erodes trust, showing that you are not respecting the privacy of a loved one. You are no longer in a locker room. Expressing your regrets about your macho banter of the past might win you a vote or two.

            Speaking of trust, in their series on the topic, the CSM features a story about the young folks joining the resistance in the Chin State of Burma. Nothing surprising here. Just a reminder that conditions there are so revolting that students with bright futures in engineering & law have taken up arms against their own military.

            What are the chances that might happen here if 45 loses? Tim Alberta got my attention yesterday when he was talking on the radio about the extremist Christian zealots who think people like me have been taken over by demons that need to be eradicated. These folks are also ammosexuals who are armed to the teeth. How do we love our way through that madness?




