

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            You are in the air right now, heading off to Schloss Elmau to confer with other leaders about making the world a better place. I hope you can get that figured out.

At least you will have a few days in the mountain air to clear your head. You are fortunate to be getting away from the news on Roe v Wade. I am finding the need to change the channel, turn off the radio, scroll past the headlines. I feel violated.

            Then I sit with that emotion & do what a good meditator does & let it flow over me so I can come back to my better self & think straight. This allows me to switch on my empathy & try to understand how 6 smart people could decide it’s time for Americans to lose one of their rights.

            This AM I discerned that the decision has to do with the 14th Amendment & States Rights & penumbras, etc., etc. It’s a lot to process. I have learned enough to know that a) the judges are not idiots & b) the USA has always struggled with the tension between the federal & state governments. The SCOTUS tries to work out that tension & the group we have right now tends to take the constitution literally.

            While I feel a little better about the SCOTUS, I am still left wondering how I shall “let my life speak.” Voting does not feel sufficient. Any suggestions?

At the summits this week, you might want to avoid an economic confrontation with China. That’s what, Ivo Daalder, BHO’s Ambassador to NATO & now Pres. of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, suggests. He says you should emphasize G7 unity. As you do so, don’t forget to shine a light on the situation in Burma & insist that the generals remove Aung San Sui Kychi from solitary confinement.




