

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I would never have guessed that wind could get someone so excited, but your exuberance about the new GE Haliade-X 835-foot offshore wind project on Block Island was a breath of fresh air after the bad news about the SCOTUS gun decision.

I could go on & on about that, but suffice it to say, we both agree that we’re all better off when we don’t have to worry about whether someone has a gun in their pocket. Since the SCOTUS is all about protecting freedoms, I hope to have the freedom to sue gun companies for marketing their products to underage kids. Let’s work on that.

            Please also work on getting Aung San Sui Kyi released from solitary confinement. While we are on the topic of Burma, did you talk with the Chevron people about canceling their relationship with MOGE?

            Finally, I am disappointed that your effort to mark the anniversary of Title IX was to send out a tweet. Certainly, you could do better than that!



PS – I just got the news about Roe v Wade – even though we knew it was coming, it makes my heart sink. I think it might be time to grow the court. They are out of step.



