

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I am smiling this morning feeling the force of a higher power that never fails to surprise me. I believe that you feel the same force from time to time because you manage to smile your way through all kinds of adversity.

            After reading about CIA Director William Burn’s clandestine conversation with Abdul Ghani Baradar & considering the role of spies in today’s world, I was pondering the question, “who is your tribe?” This came up because Ann Scott Tyson wrote in the CSM that the Taliban’s victory was due in part to their brilliant exploitation of Afghanistan’s rural tribal culture. Before I posed that question to you, I remembered that you met with the Seattle Storm yesterday.

            I found that the WNBA stars were thrilled that you gave them an impromptu tour of the Oval Office. Then I saw a photo of Breanna Stewart’s awkward outfit with the skirt over the pants & wondered “what’s up with that?” Imagine my delight in finding that it was dreamed up by June Ambrose, recently hired by Puma.

June has a lot more melanin than I do, so our TRIBAL connection may be through an ancestor in England, but I am excited to share a name with someone who wants “people to feel fearless and inspired, to create a space where young men and women feel empowered on and off the court and use that to disrupt things a little bit.” She plans to “straighten their invisible crowns and help them understand that it is [through] the character's we're building, we incite change.” So, let’s go out & buy some Pumas & incite some change.

For the rest of my day, I’ll have the little glow that I get from today’s synchronicity of getting an answer to my “who is your tribe?” question. I hope your faith gets a little boost, too.



PS - Pray for Myanmar!



