

Aug 25, 2021

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Was my letter yesterday convoluted? I apologize if I confused you. I confuse myself sometimes.

            Speaking of confused – I’m afraid the G7 leaders are baffled, especially Boris Johnson who had hoped you would find a way to extend the Aug 31 deadline to get out of Kabul. Simon Tinsdall opines in today’s G that Pax Americana is over & the G7 had a sober reassessment of what to expect from your presidency. Being a pacifist, I am happy that you are moving away from using the blunt instrument of military force & toward diplomacy.

            That’s why I’m happy to see KDH over in Vietnam delivering 1 million doses of vaccine. It’s too bad that China stole our thunder by giving them 2 million doses, but I am hopeful that the people notice we gave our medicine to them & China gave theirs to the military. I hope that KDH is asking about Myanmar in her trip through SE Asia.

            I’m sure you will have a joyous time this afternoon signing the PAWS act. I’m sure there will be pups & vets there illustrating how therapeutic & helpful a canine companion can be for someone who is suffering from PTSD. Honoring the Harlem Hellfighters of WWI should also be fun. It’s great that they are finally getting recognized for their courage fighting alongside the French troops for 191 days in the Argonne Forest. In addition to the PTSD they suffered from being bayoneted & gassed, they had to deal with the injustices of Jim Crow when they returned home. I doubt a dog would have been sufficient to ameliorate their travails. I hope you will mention the possibility of reparation in your remarks.




