

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            This will have to be brief. I am heading out to a plant sale this morning & to the Davis Farmer’s Market where I plan to buy strawberries grown in Monterey. They cost more than the ones at Safeway, but I like buying them from the grower. It’s too bad that so many pesticides are used to grow strawberries. I guess what’s sweet to us is also sweet to bugs, slugs & snails. I don’t grow them myself because they require too much water. I could go on about my garden, but I don’t think you are into that. When I googled “Biden Garden” I got stories about your yard signs & your March party in the Rose Garden to celebrate the stimulus bill.

            Do you like to read? I do. I am thinking about reading Hunter’s (RHB) book. I heard Scott Simon talking with RHB about it on NPR this morning & then saw an article in the G about it. Apparently, people find it captivating. Vanity Fair calls it, “A tearful, candid tale of addiction and familial love” & the NYT says it’s “equal parts family saga, grief narrative and addict’s howl.” Since I have several alcoholics in my family, perhaps it would be instructive to read it. According to the G, the GOP was misguided in thinking that RHB’s addiction would create a scandal. They note that “The memoir played second fiddle to almost daily revelations about Matt Gaetz (MLG2).”

            I am ignoring the news about MLG2. I suspect you are, too. Perhaps MLG2 should read RHB’s book so he can see the power in acknowledging your mistakes & asking for help.




