

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How was your Sunday? Are you enjoying your cloudy spring day. You should be grateful for your rain. We haven’t had any April showers so I’m afraid it might be a smoky fall. I am dreading it! Please do all you can to address climate change, not just for our fire problem, but for all of the climate problems around the world.

            It’s great that you will be hosting some Republicans at the WH today to talk about your “infrastructure” spending bill. I’m putting that word in quotes because according to guests Sens. Wicker (MS) & Fischer (NE), only 30% of the $2 trillion will go to that purpose & the rest goes to “social welfare.” I have nothing against social welfare, but I do wonder why we have to bundle everything together into a giant package. I hear a lot of talk about bridges, so why not have a bridges bill so we can at least get that done. Both parties could agree & at least, we could all feel good about UNITY!!!

            Have you spent any time with Deb Fischer? I had to dig deep to get info about her. She only has 100,000 Twitter followers, while her colleague, NE Sen Ben Sasse has about twice that. My Google search did not turn up any videos, so I had to listen to a radio interview on LNK where she was teasing the host about being a weather wimp. At the time she was disappointed that you hadn’t followed through on your campaign promise to reach out to the GOP. She might be feeling better about that today. I suggest that you break the ice with her by asking about her  Puppies Assisting Wounded Servicemembers (PAWS) Act of 2021 which would supply traumatized vets with a service animal by granting $$ to organizations like the SPCA to train dogs. She’s got bipartisan support for it & is especially proud of her friendship with Cory Booker. She seems nice so I think you’ll get along.

            Please ask the GOP folk what they think of the Myanmar situation & make sure that they are aware that democracy is “languishing” in South East Asia.




