


            Did you find some reconciliation and healing when you attended mass at St. Joseph on the Brandywine on Sat. evening? At my Yangon Zoom meeting Sat evening we talked about what we mean when we say, “there’s that of God in everyone.” Folks in the group with Buddhist connections conveyed a similar idea of looking for the 5-year old in an angry person to avoid feeling hatred toward them. It’s along the long lines of Jesus’ suggestion to “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” I believe you are striving to do this & greatly appreciate your efforts.

            I’m thinking about this kind of thing today because the CSM explains VVP’s perspective toward the Ukraine. They write, “Mr. Putin remains upset over the creation of an Orthodox church in Ukraine two years ago, one that is now independent of the Russian Orthodox Church.” They suggest “interfaith dialogue is often essential to bringing peace.” I am not sure what the schism between those Eastern Orthodox churches might be, but reconciliation between them might help VVP cool off.

            A similar approach might also work in Myanmar. Getting the imam of the Rohingya talking with the monks might help bring peace to the land. UNICEF has had success working with the faith leaders in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps to promote peaceful coexistence, so using spiritual influencers might be the way to go. Pope Francis says, “ the Holy Spirit desires that with humility and respect we once more draw close to one another.”

            As you talk with JM3 today, I hope you will help him see the Light.




