


            It’s Sat. So I am indulging myself in a leisurely morning. I hope you are doing the same. It’s a sunny, chilly day – perfect for outdoor activity. I have a pile of student work to look at, so I will have to spend some time reading about student teachers’ attempts to dismantle racial hierarchy through mathematical problem solving using Voice & Choice. Some have been quite successful - some, not so much.

            Thanks for imposing sanctions on some of the generals in Myanmar. I would love to know more details about that arrangement. The reports in AXIOS & DW were sketchy.

            I loved seeing your conversation with Jimmy Fallon (JTF) on the Tonight Show. You were glowing! You lived my fantasy of being on a TV late show. Realizing my dream would require I turn these letters into a book, which is not going to happen anytime soon so I have to vicariously enjoy TV stardom by watching you joke around with JTF. By the way, thanks for tweeting about his Christmas Song. It’s hilarious!

            I’m sorry that inflation is “spooking the voters.” You might recall that I asked about inflation back in March & again in May. I grew up in the ‘70s hearing about inflation, never really understanding what it was. One of the phrases from that time that stuck in my mind was, “people on fixed incomes.” Now I am about to become a retiree on a pension & have a much better understanding of the idea of the vicious cycle of higher prices causing higher wages causing higher demand, etc. I am trying to remain optimistic about my economic future.

I’d love to believe that the sky’s the limit for the second quarter of this century as you told JTF last night & will keep my fingers crossed. The stock market remains high, so investors must agree with your assessment of the situation.





