


            Have you met your new nextdoor neighbors on Barley Mill Rd yet? Did they pay the $2.2 million asking price? Welcoming them with a plate of cookies would be nice.

            Neighbors are on my mind because of that situation in Ukraine & your conversation with the Bucharest 9 today. All those countries have to share a border with Russia. That’s got to be tricky. Especially for Poland & Lithuania who’ve got Kaliningrad, between them with the Russian Baltic fleet ready to attack. We know that Jesus tells us to love our neighbor, but that’s often easier said than done.

            I am challenged by my neighbors’ yard service which uses an ear-piercing leaf blower even on the wettest days. I am trying to figure out how to maintain good relations while letting them know the Wed. morning noise is driving me crazy!! Especially because I know how harmful leaf blowers are to the environment & the workers using them. We’d all be so much better off if they used a broom.

            Back to the Ukraine – I applaud you for pledging “if Ukraine is on the agenda, Ukraine will be at the table.” VVP wants attention & can talk trash with the best of them. I’m sure you’ve heard his latest about Russiaphobia being the 1st step toward genocide. I liked the way that Jen Psaki characterized that remark as “rhetorical escalation.” I hope we can avoid any more of that. Just keep repeating the mantra, “WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER.”

            Take a look at the NYT article, “Small Habits to Make Life Better.” I plan to adopt the idea of “savoring” things I am grateful for & doing the 5-finger breathing exercise. They say it’s easier to start a new habit with a friend so why don’t you try one of those things, too.

            Please share my condolences with Bob Dole’s family & give a shout out to the people of Yangon for their “silent strike” in which they vacated the city streets. They are opting for this safer means of protests after the junta killed folks at the flash mob earlier this week.




