

Friend DJT,

            My sympathies to you on the passing of your friend, Sheldon Adelson (SGA). Losing a friend is always hard & for you, at this time, SGA’s passing must be particularly hard. It’s too bad that you didn’t pay attention when his newspaper suggested that you were doing “a disservice to (your) more rabid supporters” because the idea of a stolen election was “simply false.” He & his wife, Miri, have been so supportive of you over the years that I hope you give her a call today. She wrote a lovely tribute to him where she said, “His devotion lifted me, like waves, through challenges both personal and professional.” If you look back through my letters you’ll see I disagreed with almost everything that he said & did, nonetheless, it’s clear that he loved fiercely & counted you among his friends. Since love is to be treasured, I am always sad when anyone loses a loved one.

            Speaking of loving, I was just reading about how the Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge is a beloved place on the border. You’ll be right near there today when you visit ALamo & I hope you will visit it so you can see why the locals are distraught that it is being defiled by your wall. The folks who enjoy spending time there include the young Hispanic families who call the RGV home, along with the Winter Texans who come down to live in their RVs to escape the snow of the Upper Mid-West. They all enjoy looking for Plain Chachalaca among the Mexican Cypress trimmed with Spanish Moss. They don’t want the habitat destroyed. So be a hero today & tell them you are ordering the construction crew to stop work on that part of the wall.

            I hope you have considered my requests to spare the life of Lisa Montgomery. Staying her execution might bring you some good karma. At least it might soothe your soul.




