

Friend DJT,

            It’s been a week since the assault. We are still trying to figure out how well organized it might have been. We are still trying to catch all of the individuals involved & figure out which laws they broke. We are still wondering why the FBI did not do more to act on their intelligence.

            I don’t know if you care about my interpretation of Jan 6, but I am sharing it in case it helps you formulate your plan of action.

            Here goes. You spoke at a rally which was planned by the likes of Ali Alexander, Reps Andy Briggs, Mo Brooks & Paul Gosar who all wanted to put pressure on Congress by creating some commotion. In your speech you reiterated that you could not believe that you lost the election because your pollsters predicted a big win for you. You provided several detailed accounts of questionable election activity that you had spoken about on other occasions. You kept coming back to MRP & your hope that he had the “courage” to “do the right thing.” At the end you told your fans you would walk with them down to the Capitol. You were riled up. They were riled up. 8000 of them so much so that, encountering little resistance from law enforcement, they broke into the Capitol Building. The FBI had intelligence indicating that some had the intention to get violent because, “Congress needs to hear glass breaking … (see) blood…” I believe that others got swept up in the crowd. In any case, it was an ugly spectacle with Anti-Black overtones which showed the world that some of our citizens continue to feel free to use intimidation as a vehicle for getting their way.

            Should you be impeached? I don’t know. I do know that we need to hear you say more about your belief in non-violence. You spoke about it briefly yesterday saying, “we want no violence, we want absolutely no violence.” You need to tell your fans to put away their guns & to stay home. Since you can’t tweet about it, you will need to have a press conference – sooner rather than later.





