

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            Have you seen the Tiger King show that everyone is talking about? It sounds quite diverting. Trevor Noah says that Joe Exotic reminds him of you – a confident guy who is great at winging it. My niece reported on our weekly family Zoom call that she enjoyed it. I’ll save it for the weekend. In the meantime, I spend the evenings watching whatever is on PBS while I try to knit cable stitches. That’s quite diverting, too. The pattern is complicated and I didn’t understand what I was doing so I had to rip out my stitches the first 4 times I tried. Finally, I see how things work and it’s going much better.

            Perhaps that will start happening for you & CV. It’s quite difficult to understand and to predict what might happen next, so one is bound to make mistakes which require a do-over. It’s too bad that your mistakes are on display every evening for the whole world to see, while I make my mistakes in the privacy of my own home. I am hopeful that sooner or later you are going to get it right & we can all feel hopeful that things are under control. An important first step in that process would be for you to regulate your emotions and stop losing your cool at folks like, Yamiche Alcindor. Telling her to “be nice” when she asked you a valid question makes it sound like you don’t have your act together.

            I’m sorry to hear that one of your friends is quite ill with CV. I hope they recover soon and have a ventilator available if they need one.




