

My dear Friend & POTUS, DJT,

            I just watched some of yesterday’s press conference and it left me wondering, is there some kind of bubble around the WH that is keeping CV out so that you and your task force can assemble a room full of reporters without fear of getting sick? Wouldn’t it be better to set a good example for us all by doing your press conferences via Zoom? That’s what many of us are doing and it’s not quite as good as being there, but close enough.

            I appreciated your honesty yesterday. We need to brace ourselves for April 15 when things will be ugly. That’s not easy to hear, but it’s at least reassuring to know that it will eventually get better.

            I was once again impressed by Dr. Birx. She did a great job of fielding that questions that asked for speculatation about whether we should have seen this coming. I loved that she talked about confidence intervals and tried to help folks understand the graphs that the modelers have developed. She made it clear that we need to stay 6 feet away from each other, and we need to keep doing it for the next several weeks. Please express my appreciation to her!

            My request for the day is that you release the undocumented folk that have been detained by ICE. At least you could release those that are over 50. You can tell your GOP friends that they are not a danger to society and if they get Co-vid 19 in jail it’s going to cost the taxpayers a lot of $. The rest of us would like to prevent unnecessary heartache for the detainees and their loved ones and would be thrilled to see you show some compassion. We could use a thrill right now, so please give this request some consideration.

            I sure do hope you are right about the “burst of light” that is going to come at the end of all this, and I will do my best to have the “love, courage and ironclad resolve” that you requested from all of us.




