

My dear Friend, DJT,

            It’s here. The day we’ve all been waiting for.

            Today’s tweet of your “dancing” to “YMCA” was cute, but it showed that you need some more moves. You’ve got the right, left, right punching action down. My dad used to make that move, too, but he’d move his feet and sway his hips. Adding that to your repertoire would give you some variety.

Can you help me understand why you picked that song? Did you know it’s a gay anthem? Have you paid attention to the lyrics? “No one does it all by himself, put your pride on the shelf.” Those don’t represent your ethos, do they? It is a catchy tune that’s got a memorable refrain & I guess your fans like it, but it strikes me as odd.

Please do some tweeting this morning about keeping calm today. I find it troubling that the media is predicting a single enormous hurricane all over the country. Shop keepers in LA are boarding up their windows & police in Kansas City plan to do their best to de-escalate & avoid tear gas. I hope the non-scaleable fence around the WH keeps you safe.

I plan to spend the evening Zooming with my Quaker Friends, worshipping for 15 minutes every hour on the hour. You are welcome to join us. Some silence would do you a world of good. You might also consider checking in with Mo Willems who plans to spend the evening doodling while musicians from the National Symphony Orchestra play in the background. Please keep yourself occupied so you are not tempted to send inflammatory tweets.

We will be holding you & every other resident of the USA in the Light, hoping that love will prevail.




