

My dear friend and president, DJT,

            Happy Sunday! Please go to church. Maybe catch a service before heading off to the golf course. You could pray for your buddy, Rudi, that he will have grace as he and his wife air their dirty laundry in divorce court in January. You know how disturbing divorces are and how "operatic" Rudi can be. We don't need that kind of drama. I don't want to know about their extravagant lifestyle or the harm they have caused each other. So please ask for divine intervention to help Rudi and Nancy see their way to a behind the doors settlement.

            I encourage you to take a look at the CSM today where you'll find an article about Macomb County, MI where you won by a slim margin in 2016. They say that A Republican can’t win the state without winning Macomb County, and it's often a toss-up there.  Some folks there regret voting for you while others are happy with your performance. Who knows what will happen there in 2020?

            First, we'll have to choose your opponent. Most of the Macomb voters don't even know who the Dem candidates are.  I am hoping it will be CAB. Don't you just love his idea of the "empathetic courage" needed to fight the NRA? During the debate, JRB scared me when he said, "We bring social workers into homes of parents to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help. They don’t know what— They don’t know what quite what to do." I cringed. Blanket statements like that reveal implicit biases. JRB needs to learn the debate rule - less is more.

            It's too bad that the next Dem debate will be on 2 nights now that Tom Steyer has qualified. You should take a look at the 8/27/19 NYT article pointing out the irony of his campaign. He's a fascinating guy who seems to have captured the imaginations of quite a few voters. I'll be interested in seeing how he does in the October debate.

            I'll be holding you in the Light today and hope you will do the same for me.




