

My dear friend and president, DJT,

            We both have leisurely Saturdays planned. I assume you'll be playing golf as it's a cloudy day with 0% chance of precipitation in Northern VA. I will putter in my garden and do some tidying around the house. Maybe take a nap or a bath. Chillax!! It might be my last chance for a while because the quarter's about to begin and that means grading papers over the weekend.

            I'm sorry to hear that you used the Lord's name in vain in Baltimore on Thursday. Why do you have such hostility toward wind generators that you feel the need to have God damn them? Best to eliminate the phrase "God damn" from your vocabulary. It bothers people.

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            I understand that Elise Stefanik gave your people a hard time at the GOP retreat. She's really something, isn't she? Youngest person in the House at age 35 and serving on the  Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. I'm glad that she's watching out for cyber security and not willing to give her email list of donors to the WH. You have to respect her for protecting the privacy of her people and making sure they don't get inundated with messages. Her district, NY21, is gorgeous! I have visited Westport on Lake Champlain many times. It's a special part of our country.

            Did you time your speech to the GOP House retreat on purpose? According to the WP you "managed to take the stage in Charm City at the exact minute that the 2020 Democratic presidential debate got underway." According to ABC 14 million viewers watched the debate on TV including the 3 folks in my house. As usual I was impressed by PPMB and CAB and wish they were doing better in the polls. It's still early. A lot can happen.

            Have a great day!



