
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

I'm glad that the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization was a celebration for you. You have a lot going on, so taking a minute to enjoy some success is a nice diversion. USA Today claims that your trip to Columbus, Ohio this evening will also be a nice diversion for you. I'm sure you will be greeted by many enthusiastic Republicans. Of course, John Kasich will not be among them. He'll be taking his daughter to college.

The Columbus Dispatch did not have news of your visit on its front page today. It did have a story about Kruger's ending its use of plastic grocery bags within 7 years. I was happy to see that news.

The Dispatch also had some Op-Ed pieces wondering why you were going to Nationwide Children's Hospital when your healthcare policies will make it more difficult for the staff there to provide health care to all of the children who come to their doors. 

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Why are you going there anyway? Is it because Nationwide Hospital PGA tour event is this weekend? Or was it Melania's idea? In any case, it looks like they do some good work there, working on "complex diseases, social equity and behavioral health." I can only imagine what it might be like to have a seriously ill child. Please make sure that any changes to our healthcare system continue to protect those folks with pre-existing conditions. We often think of those as old folks, but that group also includes kids. You may see some at your visit to the hospital today.

Hope you have a great trip,


