
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

What's it like to bestow the Medal of Honor on a family? I imagine it's profoundly moving. Yesterday's recipient, John Chapman, was certainly deserving. Continuing to fight after having lost consciousness and engaging in hand-to-hand combat with 4 bullet holes, including one to the liver. I have a hard time imagining the scene on the top of the Takur Ghar Mts in March 2002. I also find it remarkable that some of the events were caught by a video camera on a drone. In this particular battle, at least 6 men died trying to save the life of one man who fell out of a helicopter. To me, this is a reminder that war is not the answer. What is your take-away message?

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I hope that today's roundtable on the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act goes well. It seems that most of our Congress people want to "protect the crown jewels of American technology" so will be giving transactions much greater scrutiny. Are we getting paranoid? 


I hope you have a good day.



PS - Betsy DeVos' idea of buying guns for teachers with federal funds is a terrible idea!

