
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

It will be a sobering day. This day always is. 

I understand that you will be attending an event at the Tower of Voices monument that just opened in Shanksville, PA to honor the 40 people who died in Flight 93 in 2001. It took so long to get the thing built because the kids who were collecting the $6 million construction costs were raising 93 cents at a time. It’s too bad that Drew Watkins, the kid who designed the website for the fundraising, won’t be there. He’s too busy in Phoenix working in the tech industry. The kids keep raising money for victims of disaster. That’s a good thing because with Hurricane Florence on the way it looks like we’ll have some more victims on our hands.

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When you see them today, please encourage Kristjen Nielsen and Brock Long to do a better job helping victims of Florence than they did with the Puerto Ricans who suffered in the wake of Maria. It’s one thing for FEMA to “mobilize assets” and another thing to follow through.

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Isn’t it something how quickly Kristjen has risen in the WH? Exactly one year ago I was writing to you about how she was being the bad ass getting some discipline in the WH while assisting John Kelly. Now she’s the Secretary of Homeland Security. Her bad ass has gotten kicked a couple of times, but she is staying strong. She’s one tough cookie!

I know that she’s more worried about cyber-attacks than about hurricanes so perhaps you’ll spend some time talking about the Cyber Deterrence and Response Act that’s making its way through Congress. As you know, it’s an effort to “Name and Shame” hackers. I’m not sure it’ll do much good, but it’s better to try than do nothing.

Did you thank Kevin Hassett for being so gracious about the mistake you made in your recent tweet when you inflated a ten-year economic record into a 100-year record? He said the number geeks in the WH were “grateful when mistakes are pointed out” by the press. Kudos to him!

Be your best today,


