
My Dear Friend and President, DJT,

How was yesterday’s event at the memorial to the “band of brave patriots” from Flight 93? It’s too bad that Joe Scarboroughheckled you on MSNBC, and I’m sure you regret that double fist pump you made when you got off the plane. As you know the photo of that made the rounds on Twitter and provided fodder for your detractors. Otherwise, it seems that things went smoothly. I appreciated your words that the “nation will never submit to tyranny” and that we should “live our lives with grace and courage.” 

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Speaking of grace and courage - have you heard of Dr. Mary Walker? I found out about her this morning when I was looking into the “Congressional Medal of Honor Reception” you will be attending tonight. She’s the only woman to win the medal and got it for her service as a surgeon during the Civil War. She went behind enemy lines to care for the wounded, was arrested as a spy and spent time in the Richmond, VA, POW camp for a couple of months. She was what Francesca Gino would call a “positive deviant” because she refused to conform to the female wardrobe expectations of the day and was arrested for being dressed as a man in 1870. I hope you mention her - she’s got the kind of spunk we could use more of these days.

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I hope you have saved enough $ in the FEMA account to pay for Florence. It looks like she might be a doozy.


