

My dear Friend and President, DJT,

I have another SFC Board Meeting today so I have to make this quick. We will be opening our Zoom Meeting this morning with a query about our hopes: for ourselves, for our board and for SFC. Getting into that hopeful frame of mind has become harder and harder lately, but I find I am so much better off when I can get into it. It would help me a lot if you could stimulate hope rather than fear! I am grateful to you for changing the narrative about North Korea toward hope. Perhaps you could do that about other things. I would greatly appreciate it.

Here's a ray of hope for you about the Border. According to Ali Noorani executive director of the National Immigration Forum, "if the government detained only those individuals convicted of serious crimes, U.S. taxpayers would be saved approximately $1.44 billion per year." You could use those savings for border security. A win-win! 

I'm sorry that you didn't speak to Sister Norma when you were in McAllen the other day. You invited her to the meeting but you didn't take the opportunity to hear what she had to say. She's the lady who runs the Humanitarian Respite Center where border patrol agents drop off asylum seekers. Sister Norma provides a space for them to clean up and rest before they take a bus somewhere. So far she has served over 100,000 people. She wanted to tell you, " we witness daily how, working together, people of all faiths can focus on helping the person in front of us. Regardless of who we are and where we came from, we remain part of the human family and are called to live in solidarity with one another."

I appreciate her message of hope and look forward to hearing more of them from you.

Peace be with you,



