

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

 How are you feeling about your performance tonight? Have you memorized your lines? Have you figured out whether to ad lib or just stick to the script?

I wish I were free to watch you live, but my class will be meeting & that’s my priority. I’ll watch the tape.

Are you going to break with tradition & speak 45’s name? How about uttering the word, “abortion”?

Do you think the audience will act up like they have in the past or will the GOP follow Mike Johnson’s order to practice “decorum”?

If you are combative as Jennifer Rubin (JR) suggests, they might heckle & give you an opening to show you are still with it. JR wants you to “provoke Republicans with contrasts… slam them for putting the gun industry’s & 2nd Amendment absolutists’ interests above the lives of little children.”  She advises pointing out that “Trump & the Republican Senate gave us a radical SCOTUS that opened the way to abortion bans. They are responsible for forcing rape & incest victims to travel out of state & putting women’s lives at risk.”

Personally, I would prefer a more pleasant, humorous tone.

What do you think of Robert Reich’s advice to follow in FDR’s footsteps to take on corporate greed & stress that the rich keep getting richer due to the GOP’s policies. Back in 1936 FDR described his year by pointing out “we had to struggle with the old enemies of peace – business & financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.”

I know it’s too much to ask for you to mention Burma, but it is troubling to see that nuclear production and proliferation among non-state actors is a real possibility there. We do not need another North Korea, so see what you can do to help settle the situation there.




