

March 8, 2024

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How are you feeling today? Elated? Exhausted? Are your staff doing cartwheels after your success last night? Your sarcasm served you well especially when you told the GOP, “Look at the facts. I know you know how to read.” You said it with a smile making it clear that you had not let them get to you.

            LOG got a kick out of being singled out when you told him, “Let me close with this. Yay! I know you don’t want to hear any more, Lindsey, but I got to say a few more things.”

            Do you ever wonder if we are experiencing societal entropy? People are so discombobulated over our ever-changing environment that they are losing their grip on reality? That’s the sense I got from Sen Katie Britt’s remarks.  The New Yorker called her speech, “uniformly strange.”  I thought she was creepy, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, claiming that all she cares about are her kids. The Stepford wives on steroids.

            Did you hear that Kareem Nikoui’s dad was arrested for heckling you? I am holding him & his host, Rep Brian Mast (BJM), in the Light. They are enraged & not thinking straight. The dad lost Kareem in Afghanistan & then his 2nd son committed suicide the following year. Anger & anguish are consuming him & BJM is fueling those emotions. BJM is so disturbed that he believes that all of the Palestinians should be killed, including babies.

            How did some of these folks get elected? Speaking of which, what was George Santos doing there?

            Have a great time in Philly today & please check into this mystery of the uranium that seems to be coming out of the Shan State.




