

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Did you hear that the rumor has that the junta is so desperate that they detained & enlisted around 700 Rohingyas for military training from Rakhine? As you know these men aren’t citizens & they don’t appreciate the treatment their people receive from the Burmese government. If I were one of those conscripts I’d be whispering to my friends about a revolt. I did not read this possibility in the RFA, but it’s obvious, isn’t it?

            Are you familiar with the TV show, Sheldon? It’s my latest comfort show. It’s a prequel to Big Bang, about a genius boy who is in high school at age 9. I watch it before going to bed to erase my brain. Sheldon’s mom fears that his obsession for science will make him crazy. Do you think my obsession with the POTUS’ whereabouts & activities is making me crazy?

            Maybe our obsessions keep us sane & crazy at the same time. Writing 45 kept my hope alive when sensational accounts of his shenanigans villainized him to the extent that I felt we were doomed. As his unthinkable return to the WH becomes a real possibility, my morning writing vigil assures me that “this too shall pass” & we will somehow manage to get through whatever comes next.

God is Change!

            It was nice to see Rep Gwen Moore & Mayor Cavalier Johnson at your MKE event yesterday. I love that you are “repair(ing) neighborhoods in BIPOC communities that were cut off from their surroundings years ago by major highways.” Secretary Pete Buttigieg got it right when he told reporters “the very fact that American English has the phrase ‘wrong side of the tracks’ tells you everything you need to know about our awareness in this country of how infrastructure can divide just as sure as it can connect.”

May your visit to Saginaw be a success. They’ve lost a lot of manufacturing jobs & will welcome news of investment in their community.




