

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            As the sun came up this AM, a thought dawned on me :)

            You may not be planning to continue as POTUS until 2028. You’ll stay until 2026, maybe a little longer, but then you plan to pass it on to KMH. It’s a tiring job & it’s taking its toll.

            I know how you feel. You love some parts your duties, but other stuff is annoying! At the SOE, I see the same tensions in place that I saw 20 years ago & despite trying to ameliorate them, they persist. For example, some people perform their committee functions with skill & effort. Others don’t. It’s unjust. It’s also hard-wired in the system. At least that’s what it looks like to me. That’s why I am retiring next year, I don’t have the energy to try another remedy.

            The border is the same way, don’t you think? You’ve been around long enough to know that the federal government keeps trying to fix it to no avail. Fact is our country is a desirable place to live & some folks have the tenacity to migrate here. Laws aren’t keeping them out. We benefit from their presence. When the world becomes peaceful & prosperous in every corner, people will stay home. Until then, migration will happen. Barbed wire & regulation will not prevent the most ambitious individuals from coming.

            Speaking of the border, the Texas Tribune says that the locals in Brownsville feel ignored by you & 45. Did anyone mention that the local sugar mill is closing because you are not forcing Mexico to pay its water debt? The fire chief in Eagle Pass also feels snubbed. He needs more $$ to deal with the deaths & accidents happening to the migrants inundating his territory. Please do more to help.

            On other matters, please don’t sell any weapons to PM Giorgia Meloni of Italy today.

            Please do your best to stop the flow of arms into Burma. The Diplomat suggests that things will get worse there before they get better. Let’s not add fuel to the flame.





