

Jan 9, 2024

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Did you spend the night in Dallas? You must have been exhausted after visiting Mother Emanuel (ME) & then Eddie Bernice Johnson’s prayer service. Soaking up the sorrow of others saps your energy, but your well runs deep so I am grateful that you can be there for people.

            You did a great job of handling the protestors’ interruption during your remarks at ME. Acknowledging their passion & your quiet efforts to persuade the Israeli military to limit their bombing was a great response. I liked what you were saying right before they started chanting “cease fire now.”

“Without the truth, there is no Light.” Yes!

            The NYT claims you were the 1st POTUS to speak in the ME sanctuary & “conveyed a mosaic of messages … to re-energize (your) African American base.” I hope it worked. I hope your visit helped to fill the church coffers, too. Like all churches in the USA, membership is dwindling & the NYT says they are $870,000 in debt & need millions to fix things.

            Speaking of financial troubles, according to Nikkei Asia, “Myanmar has begun taxing nationals who work overseas in a seeming effort to boost foreign-currency inflows, raising fears among employers of appearing to indirectly support the military government.”  Please continue to monitor the situation looking for avenues where we can be supportive.




