

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I’m going to make this quick as I am heading out to Farmboy Organics run by the twins who used to spend half their day at my house playing with my daughter. They have a massive harvest of tomatoes to sell at the market tomorrow which I am helping to pick.

I am grateful they are braving the challenges of climate change to produce food. My haphazard gardening approach has missed the mark the past few years, so I will not be planning my own garden in the future.

            According to the CSM, this summer marks an inflection point. Since you love that word, I encourage you to use it regarding climate change. Stats, like “at least 5,300 climate records around the country have been broken or equaled this summer,” will be helpful, too.

            The weather has gotten so crazy that major storms do not always make the news. Just this week another monsoon flooded villages in Rakhine state in Burma & nearly 30,000 people have been evacuated in that part of Burma since the beginning of Aug. Please do what you can to send them some relief.

Please use your bully pulpit to spread the word, “IT’S TIME FOR EVERYBODY TO SACRIFICE TO SAVE THE PLANET!” The sacrifice that I decided on this AM was to NOT to fly to DC in Oct. I was planning to speak at the NCTM research conference, but will leave that to my partner. Two flights a year is enough!

            It looks like you are taking the day off today after your travels. It sounds like your speech in SLC yesterday was emotionally taxing. According to the SL Tribune, you had to pause at points to gather yourself as you talked about Beau’s experience.  I watched Army vet, Erica Smith, tell her story of being diagnosed with kidney cancer at age 23. Thank goodness that the PACT Act was in place to help her out.

            Those toxic burn pits are another reminder that WINTA!




