

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Thanks for drawing attention to toxic exposure! Not only do many vets suffer from the ill effects of smoke from garbage pits, but miners & construction workers also suffer from harm caused by silica particles which lodge in their lungs causing cancer & silicosis. PBS had a feature last night where they drew attention to your Mine Safety and Health Administration which is changing the standards for silica dust exposure. My dad spent several years dependent on an oxygen tank, so I am well acquainted with lung disease. Please continue to work on this issue.

            Did you have fun with NM Sen. Ben Ray Luján yesterday? I appreciate his efforts to get help for families affected by the detonation of the atomic bomb at the Trinity Site 78 years ago & his commitment to the voting rights of Native Americans. Is he as kind as he looks?

            I was distressed to see the images of 200-year-old Waiola Church in Lahaina in flames. On their website they note, it is a “community cornerstone” where members commit “to live our lives as a testament to our belief that Jesus Christ is our model for abundant living.” My heart goes out to the congregation.

            The last place on the planet that I would expect such a wildfire is HI. Please use this occasion to declare a “climate emergency” so you can do more to address it.

            Please do more to help the Rohingya refugees. News just broke that at least 17 of them died when their boat capsized in the Bay of Bengal.

Please promote an abundance mindset so Americans can see we have room in this country & in our hearts to support suffering people.





