

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I’m sure you saw the Op/Ed piece in the NYT today about your age. The editors want you to demonstrate your mental acuity by having press conferences. That seems fair enough. If you go that route, just remember that you don’t have to answer every question. You can say something like, “that’s a complex situation, with lots of moving parts, I’ll have to get back to you on that.” You can also arrange to have one of your secretaries with you, so they can field the detailed questions. That’s what I do when I talk with faculty about their merit/promotion actions.

            Did you enjoy Earth Day? Did you go for a walk or bike ride? I planted some tomatoes & delighted in the abundance of worms that have taken up residency under the piles of leaves I stacked up on my beds in the fall. As Rodale said, “healthy soil = healthy food = healthy people.” So, my happy worms should translate into some human happiness in about 70 days when I harvest our Early Girls.

             Please send the message to the world that WINTA!!! The resistance fighters in Burma need to hear that so they stop ambushing public officials in broad daylight. I am referring to the shooting of a top ranked election official in Yangon.  Two wrongs don’t make a right. You can’t kill the devil with a gun or a sword.

            During your next mass, please pray for peace.




