


            Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music!

            That’s how I started my day, I put on “You Got the Best of My Love” & did some grooving.

            Today I am celebrating the birth of my bro, 64 years ago. Have told you about him before? His gifts include cheerfulness, friendliness & mischievousness. That last one got him into trouble sometimes, but he has never intended harm with his antics. He just likes to bend rules to see what will happen.

            I do that, too. We got it from my dad.

            I am also celebrating Mother Earth. According to today’s CSM, “the urgencies of climate change produce a steady flow of ‘now or never’ warnings about the welfare of humanity & the planet. Yet another narrative quietly persists, one in which the resilience of nature & boundlessness of human innovation rhyme in fresh couplets of discovery & renewal.”

            Another cause for celebration, was the magical moment I experienced when seeing reference to Indigenous knowledge as a resource for restoring balance to our ecosystems. The CSM piece included this info: “green-energy companies are turning to the original residents of desert environments to help shape futures that are both technologically & ecologically resilient.”

The NYT’s feature on the Menominee’s stewardship of the forest in Northern WI, where they started sustainably harvesting timber in 1854, had already stimulated my imagination with thinking about cultivating Indigenous knowledge in schools & the CSM piece turned it into a leading.

            Speaking of recruiting, I also celebrated the news that the Army missed its recruiting goals by 25% in 2022, forcing it to cut its total force projection by 10,000 soldiers. WINTA!

The one piece of news that marred my celebration was the report that a rare, giant tornado devastated an area near Naypyidaw, wrecking 2 villages, killing 8 & wounding 128.

As always, please hold the people of Burma in the Light.




