

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

Do you think Politico is right when they say, “Zelenskyy is in Lilliput”? His small country has been invaded by a giant & VOZ’s stature in the world has diminished since 10/7. I hope you can lift his spirits & fuel his optimism in your meeting with him today. His people need that. At the same time, please help him see that WINTA & even if he gets more weapons from us, he’s running out of combatants. I read in TIME today that the “shortage of personnel has become even more dire than the deficit in arms and ammunition...the average age of a soldier in Ukraine to around 43 years.” Fortunately, the citizens of Ukraine will not be daunted & according to the CSM that “those with damaged property forgo compensation for the sake of both saving & rejuvenating their country.” Encourage VOZ to talk that up!

Please also encourage VOZ to remain vigilant about corruption. A culture of bribery & stealing from the government coffers does not disappear overnight & people in his cabinet are doing some shady stuff.

The Burmese will have to deal with a culture of corruption when their conflict is over, too.

Please talk up the United Nations Convention against Corruption & make sure that every leader you deal with is aware of its contents.

I am doing more interviews today so I need to sign off.




