

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Sorry to miss our note yesterday. I was busy clearing my to-do list so I would be free to hang out with my BFF today. She’s traveled here from the mid-west & hasn’t been here for 15 years. It’ll be a fun day.

            I hope you have a fun day. You need some happiness after being Consoler-in-Chief in ME yesterday. How is Gov. Janet Mills doing? She really leaned into your hug together & seemed grateful to have a hand to hold. I assume she is exhausted from sharing grief with so many families while also trying to discern how to move forward with gun control. She’s had to deal with a combative press on top of it all. I appreciated her words about hope & Light at the event yesterday. Do you think your visit brought her some relief?

            What’s up with Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou? He looks like some of the boys I went to high school with in 1978, too cool for school & hoping to get high. Was he on board with the plan to avoid China’s “debt-trap diplomacy” & embrace our “high-quality transparent approaches to infrastructure and inter-development” investment? While I love the plan to build the “most competitive, inclusive, sustainable, & resilient regional value & supply chains,” I wonder where the $$ is coming from? Has Jeff Bezos decided to invest in Latin America?

            What’s your latest thinking about Operation 1027 in Myanmar? AJ claims “The offensive marks the full-fledged entry of the Three Brotherhood Alliance into the war, & public expectations are rising that the operation might ignite enough momentum to defeat the military once and for all.” Have you figured out how to help Burma if that happens?

            Please remember WINTA!




