

Oct 8, 2023

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I am finding it hard to fathom how Hamas could pull off such a huge sneak attack. How could Bibi be asleep at the wheel? Is this a desperate attempt by Hamas leaders to hold on to power? Will this violence unite the Israelis & solidify Bibi’s control? Is there any hope this can end soon? Are the writers at Time correct when they hypothesize, “the trigger to the attack was likely that the prospect of a wider Mideast peace was almost at hand through an impending deal between Israel & Saudi Arabia?

            I have so many questions, but just one answer, WINTA!!! Peace is the way.

            That’s true in Israel, Burma & everywhere else with strife & suffering.

            I am holding you, Bibi, Mohammed Bin Salman, & all the children of Israel & Palestine in the Light.




