

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Did you enjoy your visit with Germany Pres. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, yesterday? I did not know that Oct 6 was German-American Day. Those two WWs last century may have something to do with that. I’m glad the two of you had a moment to acknowledge the many bonds our nations have & the 340 years of German immigration to the US.

            My husband has some German ancestry. The Winters had a shop of some sort in Bayonne, NJ. Legend has it that a sailor in the German Navy jumped ship, looking for a better life in the USA.

            I wish my fellow Americans would acknowledge that most of us have stories like this in our families of immigrants yearning to be free. If we could recognize the courage & tenacity it takes to leave home, perhaps we would be more sympathetic to the folks crossing our borders today.

            Since we have plenty of jobs right now, I hope we can welcome more folks into our land of abundance, spread the wealth & provide some security to those who live in fear.

            As usual, please consider how we might help the people of Burma,




