

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s an end of the summer Monday. I see that you have nothing on your public schedule today & that you are in Rehoboth Beach where it’s supposed to be cloudy all day. Perhaps you will hang out with family & play Yahtzee. I recommend it. You get a little boost of dopamine when you get a good roll & you can use probabilistic reasoning to decide which dice to throw. Getting a Yahtzee is particularly rewarding. You can compete with your grandchildren & everyone can have fun! Win – win – win.

            Since we are having a lull in the storm of national activity, I hope you will take some time to learn more about how you can help Burma. Give Prof. Zachary Abuza of the National War College a call. He can explain why it’s so important that the US give the NUG official recognition & allow them to borrow against the $1 billion of frozen Burmese assets here. Getting some funds will enable them to set up civil administration in the parts of the country they control & will put them on the economic offensive. Prof ZA can also strategize with you about pressuring Japan to change its policies toward Burma. He makes the case, “Continued military rule only ensures the unsustainable extraction of natural resources, corruption, economic plunder and the collapse of the rule of law. That is bad for business.”

            I hope you find some joy today,




