

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            My washing machine is singing it’s “I’m finished” song reminding me of the many chores I could be doing this AM. Have you ever done any housework? Sweep? Vacuum? Clean the toilet? If done with the right mindset, it can be quite meditative. You should give it a try.

            Our rainy weather is keeping me inside this AM as I wait for daughter to get up. She just endured the craziness at the airport to travel here from KC. Luckily, she was flying on Delta.

I am so sorry to hear that my favorite airline, Southwest, is in such disarray! I have always been so impressed with their cheerful corporate culture. Clearly, their management was not prioritizing its computer system. According to the WP they, “had the money to upgrade (their) systems but chose to hand it to shareholders instead.” Woops! I’m glad to see that Sec. Buttigieg is on the case & will supply some pressure on them to get their priorities straight.

            Speaking of priorities, please continue to keep an eye on Burma. Today’s Guardian reports that the junta is responsible for the deaths of 160 children in Myanmar 2022. According to The UN Child Rights Committee the “perpetrators (need) to be held accountable and assistance (needs) to be delivered safely to Myanmar’s children.” Please see what you can do.




