

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How is the campaign tour going? According to the WP, folks are more energized by BHO than you, so he is going to the hot spots, while you are going to safer spots.

I’m not sure that last part is accurate. NM(2) has a hotly contested House race due to redistricting. Do you know anything about GOP incumbent, Rep Yvette Herrell, member of the Cherokee Nation? So many stereotype-breaking statements in that last sentence! Makes me want to spend the rest of the day learning about her. Alas, I don’t have that kind of time.

In any case, I hope your ABQ visit had its intended effects & folks were listening when you said, “nothing is beyond our capacity if we do it together.” Likewise, I hope your trip to Chicago today reaps lots of campaign donations.

While you are flying from here to there, I encourage you to take a look at CSM’s article about split ticket voters where they claim that “polling suggests that voters in at least nine states – including GA & PA – could wind up picking governors from a different party than their U.S. senator.”

It seems that some voters are just turned off by certain candidates. Some cannot “stomach Herschel Walker” while others have a bad “gut feeling” about Blake Masters (AZ Sen candidate).

            It’ll be interesting to see if KS has a split vote. It seems that GOP Sen. Jerry Moran is unbeatable while Dem. Gov. Laura Keely is doing her best to hold her seat by focusing on cutting taxes, increasing spending on education, building affordable housing, and expanding access to high-speed internet.

            Tuesday will be a fascinating day!

            In the meantime, I encourage you to let the ASEAN folk know that you are eager to see Burma settle back into democracy. They could use some support as they gather for their meeting in Cambodia next week.

            Safe travels today,




