

Happy 2022, My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

Do you have any resolutions? My news sources have a couple of suggestions for you – Kara Swisher opining in the NYT recommends that you need to get more aggressive in pressing for tech regulation. She mentions the Klobuchar Bill as something that you could promote. She predicts we will be getting an alternative to Facebook soon. I hope so!

            Katherine Gammon’s article in today’s G recounts all of the climate crises of the year, noting that you took “disaster tours” of at least 5 of them. She appreciated your Justice40 Exec Order, which pledges that at “least 40% of all benefits from federal investments in clean energy and climate adaptation will go to “disadvantaged communities.” She noted that more than 50% of Americans acknowledge being personally affected by climate change. While she does not come right out & say it, the implication of her article is that it’s time for your CCC Bill.

            I have 2 resolutions that I wish you would make.

1)    Stop kidding around about women’s age, their role in the household, their appearance, etc. As I’ve told you before, it perpetuates stereotypes & indicated you have an implicit gender bias. This one will be hard because you were brought up in a time when this was a cultural norm, so you may not even be aware when you do it. Don’t worry I will let you know when you slip up.

2)   Make more noise!!! I’ve been telling you this for the past month or so. You need to be mentioned in the top news sources several times a day. Today you were not mentioned on the front pages of the NYT or WP. That shouldn’t happen! Just remember what PT Barnum said, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.”

My resolve for 2022 is to have more “ideal days.” I think this will help me practice what the Buddhists call, “samvega” – spiritual urgency, which is to value every minute of your life. I think you practice “samvega” & hope you can keep doing so for many years to come.




