


            You are having a gorgeous day – perfect for a long walk on the beach. We have sun right now, but some dark clouds on the horizon. We might have snow in Davis.

            Congratulations for making it onto the front pages of the KCS & Sac Bee with the story about your meeting with the governors, prominently featuring your quote “if you need something, say something.” This is the kind of publicity you need. Yeah!!!

            That’s about the only publicity you got today. Other mentions in my papers were in the Op Ed Sections. In the NYT David Axelrod (DA) pointed out that your present situation with BBB is much like BHO’s in 2010 when the ACA hit a snag. DA provides several suggestions, in particular, stop talking about BBB & get what you can. DA noted, “To paraphrase FDR, it’s time for a rendezvous with reality and to fight for what is possible.”

            In the WP Katrina vanden Heuvel makes a strong case that you should cancel student loan debt. Doing so would immediately increase Black wealth by 40%. I’m not sure how she did the math on that one, but if you want to invigorate your base, wiping away that burden might just do the trick. Some folks exchange gifts on Jan 6, El Dia de Los Reyes. You could get some great publicity by signing the debt elimination Exec Order then.

            On a more somber note, did you see last night’s PBS Newshour segment with Priscilla Clapp former chief of mission in Myanmar? She pointed out that the situation there is dire. The military is losing, but won’t be giving up anytime soon. She concluded by saying, “it is very difficult to predict what the end will be. But it's going to go on for quite a long time, unfortunately. And people will suffer badly.” Please get busy developing our strategy for addressing the situation.




