

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I’m glad that you ae getting some time at Camp David this weekend. It looks like it’s a beautiful, cool spring day there. Are the dogwoods blooming?

            I understand that Jill pranked her staff on Thursday fooling them by pretending to be Jasmine, the flight attendant. Do you think they just went along with her to make her happy & really knew all along? Don’t you think they wondered where she was as they were sitting on her plane? Anyway, it’s great to have a playful First Lady.

            While you are relaxing this weekend, you need to fix your facts. According to the WP, you keep repeating the same 3 falsehoods over & over. The # of citizens who have died of CV is greater than the # of people who died on the battlefield in WW1, WW2 & Vietnam. It’s important that you specify that you are talking about combat deaths, otherwise your math is off. You need to stop talking about how the top 1% of tax payers are getting 83% of DJT’s tax cut. That will happen in 2027. It’s not happening now. Finally, there’s nothing in the GA law about polls having to close at 5:00. I know how hard it can be to UNlearn something, so perhaps it’s best not to provide any facts for the time being.

            Speaking of facts, the more facts I learn about Myanmar the more overwhelmed I get. Today I read about how the military controls the jade trade. The mines there are a disaster from a humanitarian & environmental standpoint. If Jill has any jade, tell her to stop wearing it.

Finally, I am quoting the Friends American Service Committee, “It's time to reimagine security. We need significant cuts to the Pentagon budget, and for Congress to instead prioritize peacebuilding and investment in our communities.”




