


My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How are things at Camp David? Who is there with you? Just Jill or all of your grandkids? The weather forecast indicates that you are having some snow so I can imagine that you are hunkered down by the fire, or perhaps you are practicing what Ibsen called, “friluftsliv” and getting out in the cold. Perhaps you have heard the Scandinavian expression, “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes’” & have put on your Northface jacket to venture out. In any case, I hope you enjoy some time of rejuvenation so you can continue your efforts to guide us to a better tomorrow.

            If you decide to take a peek at the impeachment coverage, I encourage you to take a look at Stacey Plaskett’s statements. As she spelled out the details of the desecration of the Capitol, including mention of the vandalization of the John Lewis placard, she put in a plug for better representation for the US territories. She also scolded the defense team for using footage of BLM activists to engage in “whataboutism.” She’s a compelling figure & I hope we hear more from her.

            I continue to worry about Burma & hope you will take a few minutes this weekend to encourage the police officials there who are standing with the protestors. They are putting their lives on the line to speak out for democracy. Recognizing them would embolden their colleagues to do the same.





