

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

 新年快乐, Happy New Year!!! It’s now Xin Chou, the year of the Metal Ox, so it’s time for tenacity, hard work & perseverance. I think you are well suited for that since you were born in the year of the Water Horse. You can bring your charming, affable, free spirited traits to this challenging time & get us through it. Some of my Metal Rat traits may be helpful to you, specifically my work ethic & single-mindedness, but my feistiness & sensitivities may interfere.

Don’t you love how these astrological observations actually apply yo us all at various moments in time? IN any case, we could all use a celebration & a reminder that each day is a fresh start so, let’s commemorate the second new moon after the winter solstice by sweeping out the house & cleaning the doorway to clear the house of bad luck & usher in good fortune.

Thanks so much for ignoring the impeachment stuff & all things related to our former POTUS. As Keith Olberman points out in his NYT Op-Ed today, it’s too easy to let “the power of righteous & organic hatred to overwhelm everything else,” & the folks who find him so odious will not find relief from their angst until he’s dead or in jail or all his followers have disowned him. Since none of those things will happen anytime soon, like you, I find it best to ignore him.





