

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s good to know that the government will remain open until Feb 18.

That’s all I was able to write yesterday. I got interrupted by a phone call from a friend. My ideal day includes deepening a relationship, so I took that opportunity to do so, rather than write to you.

I’m afraid that our relationship remains rather one-sided. I look forward to the day I hear back from you. If we develop more of a two-way relationship then I might feel better about the time that I devote to writing to you each day.

            Yesterday, I was prepared to write to you about KLS who is your biggest obstacle to getting Voters Rights legislation passed because she is opposed to eliminating the filibuster. While I understand her desire to hold onto to it to “compel moderation,” that assumes a level playing field. I don’t think we have it now, & the imbalance is probably going to get worse if we don’t shore up voter’s rights. The GOP is doing all it can to gain an advantage through gerrymandering & set up barriers.

Here are some queries for you: Might we give up the filibuster to insure voter’s rights? Might we let go of a seemingly democratic procedure in order to maintain the democracy? Let’s do the Quakerly thing & let these questions season.

            Got to go my PD session for the fine teachers of LAUSD.

            Enjoy your visit at Camp David this weekend,



