

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,      

            How was your visit to MN? Did you enjoy meeting student, Sarah Riviere-Herzan? I hope she realizes her dream of opening her own construction vehicle repair company with an all-female staff. As a graduate of Minnetonka High School, she probably has some family members who will loan her the start-up funds. It’s too bad most of the CC students don’t have that kind of generational wealth. I hope you’ll keep working on that.

Did you get a chance to speak with the Ethiopians who were protesting during your visit to MN yesterday? They are worried about the civil war back home and that humanitarian aid is not getting to the people who need it. Did you notice whether any Burmese were in the crowd making the same kind of appeal?

I am somewhat preoccupied by the hearing in the SCOTUS today about the MS abortion law. The LAT suggested we pay close attention to the questions the justices are asking to see if they are inclined to break precedent & overturn Rowe V Wade or if they are more narrowly interpreting the case to focus on the 15-week aspect. We have so many other problems in this world, I wish we could set aside this abortion debate.

I hope you enjoy your menorah lighting event this evening.




