

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s too bad that some of the folks in Howell, MI, yesterday were using profanity to express their dissatisfaction with your presidency, especially given that they were right by a school. My mom always told me that using profanity was an indicator that your vocabulary was limited & you were lazy. She suggested that expressing oneself with meaningful words demonstrated one’s intelligence & education. I’m thankful that Rep Elissa Slotkin was with you at the time to express her embarrassment on behalf of the people of her district.

            Don’t you just love her???? I just watched a twitter video of her explaining the 28 bi-partisan amendments that she was able to get on the NDAA, the best of which was one addressing PFAS contamination. I’m sure you know how awful that stuff is for human health & the environment. It should be banned!!! Anyway, EBS is my new hero & I’m glad that she got a chance to share her thoughts with you in your limo yesterday.

            Your speech was great. You set up a persuasive argument in making the point that America used to invest in itself and “we’ve taken our foot off the gas.” I love the image of our infrastructure as the “arteries of our economy.”

Cutting back the price tag of the BBB is the prudent thing to do. I like NPP’s idea of focusing on fewer programs which we can carry out well & means testing, while a paperwork nightmare, makes sense, too.

            I hope you make some progress on this debt ceiling thing.

            Pray for Myanmar,




