

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Check out today’s KCS to see a wonderful photo of some “Rosie’s” who are celebrating the return of the 25D bomber that they helped to build in KC during WWII.

            Have fun visiting the Operating Engineers Training Facility in MI today. They have all kinds of giant construction equipment. Maybe you’ll get to drive an excavator & meet some of their eager students who are excited about the prospect of being able to say, “I built that.” Hopefully, you will get your BIB passed so they can get jobs.

            Did you see that you were not mentioned at all on the front page of the NYT today? Are they shunning you for some reason? WP mentioned you 8 times & the G had 7 mostly about your comments yesterday about raising the debt ceiling. Do you know what the new one will be? I was shocked to learn that my share of the existing US debt is $951,000. Can that be right?

Investopedia says we should be focusing on the debt/GDP ratio, but I know that most Americans don’t understand ratios let alone the difference between debt & a deficit. I doubt they are as alarmed as you are about AMM’s tactics to interfere with raising the debt ceiling.

            Don’t you think that your rhetoric got a bit inflammatory yesterday talking about “Russian Roulette” & “a meteor heading to crash our economy?” Jennifer Rubin opines that the Dems should just vote for an exception to the filibuster since it “is a loaded weapon in the hands of constitutional assailants.” Now that’s some sensational rhetoric!!! I am holding you all in the Light as you work this through.

            Please join me in holding the children of Myanmar in the Light. According to today’s Vatican News, 76,000 have been displaced from their villages due to hostilities between the junta & ethnic armies. 6.2 million children face food scarcity. We know what happens to kids who don’t get enough protein. Please see what you can do to get food aid into the country.




