

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Do you drink tea? Are you aware tea is in short supply? I first noticed it at my Co-op when the bulk tea shelves were looking sparse. I have had to order my tea on-line & can’t get my favorite, Lapsan Souchong, a smoked tea. Like everywhere else in the world, the tea growing region of India has had exceptionally bad weather, including hail, which limited the crop, so tea is scarce. A minor annoyance to me, but a big deal to those who depend on it for their livelihoods. It’s just one example of the supply issues that are impacting the economy. Do you think we should be worried about this?

            I’m sorry that you didn’t join the Women’s March yesterday, or at least give a shout-out of support to the thousands of women who hit the streets around the nation. I loved seeing the photos in the WP of signs from the Miami march reading, “Don’t TexAss my Florida.” Catchy, don’t you think?

I shouldn’t talk about your not marching, because I didn’t either. My daughter joined the ladies of KC who proclaimed, “It’s not about being enraged, it’s about being OUTraged.”

Speaking of outraged – an op-ed piece in today’s AZCentral directs that sentiment at KLS for being an obstructionist saying that her “holier-than-thou bluster over the bill's delay is pure BS.” SNL poked fun at her last night, too. During the opening segment, her character said, ““What do I want from this bill? I’ll never tell. ‘Cause I didn’t come to Congress to make friends. And so far, mission accomplished.”

            If you haven’t seen it yet, you should take a look at the skit. You are played by a new guy who doesn’t look like you but has your mannerisms down. Your character is trying to get KLS & JM3 to agree w/AOC & IAO about something as you try to claim that the democrats are united. It’s amusing.

            I hope you get recharged to “work like hell” this week.




